Understanding the precautions for health care

As we all know, at the advanced age, the quality of the human body will decline. In this case, pay attention to physical health and promote health with reasonable methods, you can live longer. The elderly also need to pay attention to many problems in the health care process. Incorrect elderly health care methods Not only will increase the physical burden, but also affect health. So, let's take a look at the correct way of keeping in good health for the elderly at home.

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Don't overuse your eyes

Elderly people who want to reasonably maintain their health should pay close attention to related issues and avoid frequent fatigue during the health process. Some elderly people like to read books, which always causes eye fatigue. If you do not pay attention to the eyesight, it will affect eye health. Severe presbyopia can occur, so attention should be paid to the protection of eyesight during the health process to avoid tired eyes. Even after using the eyes for a period of time, you need to close your eyes and relax to prevent lesions on the eyes.

Do not drink health tea in excess

The elderly should not drink excessive amounts of health tea during the health process. Drinking appropriate tea can prolong life and delay the aging of the body. However, drinking too much may damage the health of the stomach, especially when drinking tea on an empty stomach, the tannin and other substances in the tea will stimulate the gastric mucosa, resulting in excessive gastric acid secretion, which is harmful to stomach health, so I hope that it is reasonable Elderly people who keep in good health can avoid drinking health tea frequently, and drink it properly to protect their health Sundaymode.

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